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Learn to become a channel of blessing to the world and people around you.


The word “Give” was cited 869 times in the Scripture, while the word ”Gave” was brought up 633 times. The word “Offer” was noted 123 times, while the word “Offered” was brought up ninety times. “Tithe” was brought up 13 times, while “tithes” 15 times.
Overall, the theme of giving or being generous was cited in the Scripture 1,713 times, therefore making this as among the most highly accented themes in the Word of God. This is why regardless what they say against tithing or giving or as becoming generous as they ignorantly say it to be “unscriptural”, never  believe them, as we ought to only believe and believe on God and His words as He has stated.
And even if yet, you don't believe about the idea of becoming generous, I do hope that our simple word search will provide you the idea of how crucial this is in life.

The River Of Life

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